• 29 января 2011, суббота
  • Москва, Каретный Ряд ул., д. 3, Москва

PhotoCoffeeSkating in Hermitage!

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Другие события организатора

4860 дней назад
29 января 2011 c 12:00 до 15:00
Каретный Ряд ул., д. 3, Москва

Make this day incredibly unforgettable! Wear classy outfit, take your skates (or it’s possible to rent there) and go to Hermitage garden with us.

Winter could be boring, but it’s never gonna happen with us!

The garden is very picturesque and you’ll be catched by our cameras in classy Real-Russian-Winter-day. We are going to skating for an hour, then go to Costa Coffee, warming up, have some coffee and play “I’m famous” game. All pictures will be sent to the participants, the best pictures will be posted on the website as illustrations to articles.

P. S. Vicky as an undercover agent bring thermos with hot tea, and Margo as Mary Poppins comes with yum-yum marmalades.


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